Optimal Firewall Configuration

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Connection to Boostlingo Events services might be blocked by the firewall configurations within your network. Please note that you can always check if Boostlingo Events works for you by logging on our portal and creating a free test event. Alternatively, you can run this Pre-Call test for an all-in-one checklist for connectivity, media access, and quality.

Network Infrastructure

Boostlingo Events uses simple WebRTC communication for streaming video and audio.

Following here are the requirements to have Boostlingo Events WebRTC communication working behind a network firewall.

The following requirements must be met:

  • Open TCP port 443
  • Whitelist the following domains:
    • *.boostlingo.com
    • *.cloudfront.net
    • *.zopim.com
    • *.tokbox.com
    • *.opentok.com

Along with the minimum requirements, opening UDP Port 3478 will give you a better experience. UDP is highly recommended over TCP for better quality audio and video. The protocol favors timeliness over reliability which is consistent with human perceptive preferences; where we can fill in gaps but are sensitive to time-based delays.

This port only accepts inbound traffic after an outbound request is sent. The connection is bidirectional but is always initiated from the corporate network/client so it is not possible for an external entity to send malicious traffic in the opposite direction. For the best possible experience, we recommend opening UDP ports 1025 - 65535.

If you need any further assistance, please contact our support team at events.support@boostlingo.com

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