How to solve the idle Status Issue

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  • Updated

For the moderator, speakers and interpreters, when your connection status shows "idle", it means you haven't allowed the use of your microphone and camera, or your mic and camera are being used by any other applications.

You can neither be seen nor heard during the meeting. You should be able to listen and interact in the chat. Please try the following steps to find your solution (it may be solved by the 1st step):

  • Check if you have selected the correct microphone and headsets on Boostlingo Events--> Top right corner of your page--> 3 dots


  • Have you opened any other applications (e.g. Teams/Skype/Zoom/WhatsApp, etc.) that might use your microphone and camera? Please close them all and refresh the event tab.
  • Unplug & reconnect your headsets
  • Allow the use of your microphone and camera on the Boostlingo Events tab. More information on allowing devices in different browsers can be reviewed in this guide.


  • Refresh your Boostlingo Events tab, and allow the pop-up windows



  • Try different browsers: Chrome or Edge
  • Check if you have unmuted your microphone on your computer:

Mac: System Preferences-->

1)Sound-->Output= Headphones; Input= External Microphone

2) Security & Privacy--> Make sure to tick the browser you are using to connect Boostlingo Events. We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience.





Windows 10: Sound settings—>Recording—> Microphone —> right click and select "properties"—> Levels—> unmute your mic

12.png    13.png


How to adjust your microphone levels on Windows 11:

First right click on the sound icon with the speaker in the bottom right corner (icon in the middle):


Then click on 'Sound settings':


Adjust the input of the chosen microphone to the preferred level by moving the volume bar in the bottom right (all the way down if you want to mute):


  • Conduct our System check to see if you have a Firewall issue, if so, contact your IT Department to whitelist Boostlingo Events.
  • Try to use an alternate network or mobile hotspot to connect to the Boostlingo Events.

If you still have an idle issue after trying all of the steps above, please write to

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