How and when can I access event recordings?

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  • Updated

Check this article about how to record an event. 

As the event creator, after the event ended, you can access the recording as follows:

1. Log on the Boostlingo Events Portal

2. Go to the list of "Past Events"

3. Find the event that you hosted in that list and click "Details"

4. Go to the "Downloads" Tab

5. Click the "See recording here" link

  • You can check your recorded language channels from that link

  • You can download each language channel separately as an mp4. file


How long will the recording be available?

The recording is available a few hours after the event has ended. Longer events and/or events with many languages may take additional time to be processed.

How can I delete the recording?

It is not possible to delete the recording on your own, but in case you are the event organizer, you can write to and our support team will help you. It is worth noting that the recording data will be archived after some time, thus we recommend downloading the files if needed.

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